Thursday, January 1, 2015

5 Modern GI Joes that changed my mind

     I have to admit that I really did not pay much attention to GI Joe when I started collecting action figures again after almost 20 years.  GI Joe is everywhere in the world of action figure collecting and I have always found myself gravitating away from the mainstream, not towards it.  However, as a child of the 80's, you almost cannot escape from GI Joe and I absolutely LOVED the toys when I was a kid. That being said, here are 5 examples of recent production, GI Joe figures that truly caught my eye.
     All 5 of these figures have several things in common.  All of them are updated reissues of classic 80's Joes.  They all do a very good job of translating the uniqueness of the original figure into the style of modern action figures and they all have great gear.  I admit to being a novice to collecting action figures, but these modern style of figures offer things I only dreamed of when I was a kid. That means FUN, which is what action figures are all about. It also means that for a customizer, which I happen to be, these are pure bliss and really show off what a big firm like Hasbro can do when it wants to. 

#5: POC Crazy Legs

     Released in 2011, this figure was met with a rather lackluster response from most collectors that I know.  Myself, I like him very much.  He has a sort of retro vibe that takes me back to the mid 80's when I used to play with the original and that is the secret to his success.  He has nice color balance and while not as heavily clad with separate gear as other figures on this list, what he lacks in quantity, he makes up for in detail.  One good example that I like is his jump harness / parachute.  It is a good example of the detachable gear that modern action figures have these days.  Instead of a simple peg for a hole in his back, we get a removable, full restraining harness.  His SMG has a detachable and folding stock. His rifle has a scope, light and "jungle style" extra clip attached. Lastly, both the helmet and goggles are separate moldings as well. 

#4: 30th Anniversary Law and Order

     Back in the halcyon days of cold-war battle fields, a team like Law and Order did not offer much.  With little fire support, limited roles for animal companions and being almost, non-military in general, most kids wondered how they ever made the team.   I was never into the original figure, but I instantly knew who these were, just from pictures.  In this figure, I finally realized what I never understood before with Law and Order: they are designed as a team that in turn, supports a bigger one. Fast forward several decades into the modern, less defined theater of engagement and now, an updated Law and Order seem ahead of their time.   Designed for urban combat, Law has been updated immensely.  With his detachable tac-vest, suppressed SMG, shotgun and 2 different types of sidearm, he now has the firepower to give Alley Vipers a run for their money.  Order also sports upgraded detail and IMO, looks great. 

#3:  30th Anniversary Cobra Trooper

     Released in 2011 in the 1st wave of the 30th anniversary figures, this guy is the very fist figure I acquired when I got back into collecting action figures.  You can tell in a glance where the idea for him came from.  IMO, he is everything a great action figure should be.  He is one of the nameless, faceless units of COBRA.  In both the GI Joe storyline and the world of action figures he fits his role perfectly: that of an army builder.  Currently, I am putting together a COBRA fireteam based on the 4 man groups of the U.S. military.  With a slight tweak of his gear, this figure can fit into any of the 4 basic roles of a fireteam: team leader, rifleman, grenadier and S.A.W. / automatic rifleman.  The detail and sheer amount of gear on him is excellent. From his RPG, to his removable helmet and webgear to his separate display barbed wire, this guy is just plain fun

#2: 30th Anniversary Storm Shadow

     What can I say about Storm Shadow that has not been said?  I'll bet more people like Storm Shadow than any other small Joe out there.  He was fantastic in the old comic book - he even managed to convince a farm kid from Ohio that a big, rooftop water tower in the city was a cool place to live.   Another from the class of 2011, this guy has so much going for him, that he could easily be the #1 choice.   Besides having great mold detail, the guy is a virtual warehouse of gear and weapons.  He has: A bow, nunchuks, 2 swords, 2 sais, 2 Kunai's, 2 claws, 2 throwing stars and a fan.  If that was not enough, he also has a backpack that doubles as a scabbards for his swords and a quiver.  One thing that I really like on recent GI Joe figures is removable ammo and Storm Shadow makes good use of this by having a removable arrow in his quiver.  Does it seem like the designers gave him 2 of everything?  How about 2 heads!  Yes, you have a pair of heads with different facial features along with 2 different sashes, one in a traditional red and a bandolier with a removable dart pouch that has...wait for it.... a removable dart as well.  Given his shear horde of gear and dual persona, this guy can be configured more ways than I can imagine. IMO, the most customizable figure in the hole line.  You could get 6 or 7 of these and configure them all differently, just with what comes standard. 

#1: POC Low Light

     My choice for the #1 spot may be a surprise, given how much I like Storm Shadow, but hear me out.  From his removable vest with retro accents, to his large, realistic rucksack and rifle case as a figure he just gets it, plain and simple.   I am a sucker for gear and IMO, his is the best, even better than Weapons-R-Us Storm Shadow.  A sniper figure needs an impressive rifle and Low Light's gives other guys weapon envy.  His rifle has a detachable stock, scope, suppressor and bi-pod to go into a custom fit rifle case.  He also has an SMG, separate goggles, spotting scope, communicator and ammo case.  Once again, he has a separate round for the case.  One cool thing to my eye is his backpack and just how big it is.  It truly gives the impression of a modern combat pack. This guy takes the original Low Light figure, adds arguably the best gear in the series and makes you wonder why you never paid that much attention to him back when he first came out.  He is at once tied to the classic figure, yet takes it up several notches and that is why I have him at the top spot. 

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